Monday, June 2, 2014

Part 3 
Choose the Right 
Student Success Statement 
"Obedience is central to becoming, being and remaining happy"
David A Bendar

Being obedient guarantees many things such as the fact that if you comply with rules you will gain more freedom maybe even be rewarded for it with a gift. Being obedient keeps you out of trouble, being out of trouble is a pretty great feeling. Being obedient such as doing all your schoolwork will lead you to college , which will lead to a great career, means a successful life, which means a happy life. If you are disobedient such as to law you will end up behind bars, with no freedom what so ever, you will be away from your family lose contact with them and that will not lead to happiness that will lead you into having a very miserable life. Why make your or someones elses day unpleasant just choose to be obedient and you will be happy. 
Part 2
Life planning goals reflection

The act of actually thinking about we wanted and writing them down having a basis made them seem so much easier to achieve they didnt seem impossible to me anymore. I did write down a lot of long term goals and very few short term goals so I achieved very few so far such as making it into a sport, finishing book, etc. I will let you know how the rest goes but so far I think I am heading in a direction in which I will complete all of my life long goals. I agree to read and ad on to my long list of goals every single day for the rest of my life. 
Class Reflection

1.What did you like best about this class?
What I liked best about this class was the inspiring quotes I enjoyed learning new life lessons that inspired me to be a better person. Not only was this class used to learn more about certain software it also helped guide us although many would like to disagree. I liked the fact that we were pushed to be better not mentally but spiritually. I also really enjoyed learning about different medical careers I didnt know that there were so many branches. It did open up mind to think more specifically into what I really want to do when I grow up. 
2.What did you dislike about this class?
What i disliked most about this class was the fact that although I liked the quotes some of them were very similar so I kind of kept repeating myself with certain reflections. As well as with the medical fields some of them were very hard to find. 
3.What can you recommend to improve the class?
I recommend that you teach more about the computer software instead of just the basics although they do help I must say. With the medical fields maybe you could give us a website to find all of these things in. When it comes to the student success statement change it up a bit to create more of a variety that students could connect to. 
4. What will you always remember about this class?
I will never forget about choosing the right it is engraved in my mind it will always be there guiding me and I do really thank you for that you gave me a new sense of direction. I already knew which way to go you just assured me that I was taking the right road.