Information Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Health
information Specialist record data such as medical, workload, finance, and
insurance for practitioners to use to find the best health care plans for
patients. There are three branches to this line of work certified coding
specialist, registered record administrators, and accredited record technicians.
Registered Record Administrators are the highest of the three, the supervisor.
Record Technicians make sure that all information is recorded properly. Then
there are coding specialists they post and assign the correct info and then
send it to various insurance companies. Health information specialist work in
hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, physicians’ offices, and many other
medical settings.
Average Salary: $20,000-$25,000
(coding specialist)
$23,000-$30,000 (record technician)
$30,000- $40,000(record administrators)
I would not like to have this career because it has
to do a lot with computers which doesn’t interest me and I am not the most
organized with information.
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